Why do we have to teach children coding?

13 June 2019

Not everyone is destined to become a developer. But learning the code is above all better preparing for tomorrow's world!

It is already said that technology is everywhere. But the next generation will have to interact with more and more machines.

Today, we offer children and teenagers, from the age of 8, to better understand the operation of the machine through an offer of introductory courses in coding.

During the Robokids and Roboteens courses, the child builds his LEGO® robot, the computer program and tests it in the field.

With the Kids & Code and Fun Code courses, he discovers the basics of programming by creating small animations and games.

These courses are available in "100% coding" (15 hours in one week) or coding + English / Dutch (30 hours in one week).

Although many developer positions are vacant in Belgium (we are talking about 15 to 20,000 jobs available), the goal is not to train the new Bill Gates or Steve Wozniak.

By "playing" with the code from an early age, children learn by trial and error, collaborate to solve problems, in short, they acquire more autonomy to understand and control the world around them!

Info and registration

Contact: techiteasy@cll.be or CLL Centres.

Image: Robokids internship with the LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 robot

To continue reading:

"Why do children have to learn to code?" (Medium)

"Do you have to learn to code to get a job?" (Generation Le Soir)