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  2. Language exam preparation

Exam Preparation Platform

Prepare successfully for international exams!

Niveaux de cours de langues

Need to take an official exam?

At CLL, we are proud of our high success rate in language exams, thanks to a rigorous and focused preparation program that will help you achieve the results you need. Whether you want to continue your studies abroad, gain professional certification or simply measure your level, passing certain exams is essential to achieving your goals, and we can help you succeed.

Practice for your real-life exam!

Thanks to our partner Global Exam’s platform, you can prepare for your future exams in 5 languages. Exercises, practice tests, mock exams: maximize your chances of success! And all at an affordable price: €95 per exam, including 24/7 access to the platform for 3 months.

Our preparation platform offers you



A 5 to 33-hour training plan



Targeted exercises to fill in the gaps



Revision sheets with key points



Tools to measure your progress



Mock exams and answer keys



24/7 access via the Internet

A unique space to prepare for 9 language exams


Cambridge English – B2 First

What is B2 First?

B2 First, formerly known as FCE (First Certificate in English), is a standardized language test designed to determine a candidate’s level of English. This test, administered by Cambridge University, is used to certify a B2 level (corresponding to an intermediate level on the CEFR scale).

B2 First candidates are mainly interested in finding out whether they have the level required to speak and write in English in a totally English-speaking environment, whether for professional or academic purposes.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who is B2 First for?

    B2 First certifies written and oral proficiency in the English language, in both academic and professional contexts.

    It is therefore particularly recommended for students and professionals.

    There is also a “First for Schools” version of the exam, with themes for high school and middle school students, which also validates level B2.

    It attests to a level of proficiency equivalent to B2 of the CEFR. Unlike TOEIC and TOEFL, B2 First is valid for life.

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    Want to prepare for B2 First?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is IELTS Academic?

IELTS Academic is an internationally recognized English language test. IELTS Academic measures the English language skills needed to succeed in an academic environment, such as understanding academic reading and writing academic essays.
Every year, around 3 million people worldwide take IELTS, according to the British Council, the government body that administers the test.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who should take IELTS Academic?

    This version of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is designed for people wishing to study at university or postgraduate level in an English-speaking country.

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    Would you like to prepare for IELTS Academic?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is the TOEFL IBT?

Created in 1964, the TOEFL is an internationally renowned language test. It is considered one of the leading references among standardised English tests. The TOEFL iBT (Internet Based Test) is the most common form of TOEFL, and is taken online.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who should take the TOEFL IBT?

    TOEFL iBT is designed for students, professionals and non-native speakers of English. It’s a simple, reliable way of proving your command of English and/or accurately situating your level in relation to the CEFR scale.

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    Would you like to prepare for the TOEFL IBT?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is TOEIC?

The TOEIC is an internationally recognised test that assesses a person’s ability to function in an international working environment; for example, the questions focus on meeting topics or writing and reading e-mails.

This test can be requested during recruitment processes to prove your level of professional English. TOEIC Listening and Reading is the most popular version, with scores ranging from 10 to 990. Call on us for your preparation to increase your chances of getting a better score!

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who should take TOEIC?

    The TOEIC is an internationally-recognized English language test that assesses language skills in an English-speaking professional environment. Included in the compulsory curriculum of many grandes écoles, it is highly appreciated by companies, who regularly ask for it to be included on their recruits’ profiles.

    Less expensive than TOEFL, it is a definite plus on a CV.

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    Want to prepare for B2 First?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is the TCF?

The TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français) is a standardised language test designed to assess candidates’ level and skills in French. After passing the assessment, successful candidates receive a level certificate valid for 2 years.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who should take the TCF?

    It is designed for non-native speakers of French, and provides a reliable assessment of the candidate’s level on the CEFR scale.

    • TCF for the general public ;
    • TCF for access to French nationality (ANF) ;
    • TCF for application for prior admission (DAP) ;
    • TCF for Quebec ;

    N.B. Unlike DELF and DALF, TCF does not lead to a diploma, but to a level certificate, valid for two years.

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    Would you like to prepare for the TCF?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is DELF – DALF?

DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) is a French language certification issued by the French Ministry of Education. There are different levels of certification, from A1 (beginner) to C2 (complete mastery).

The DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) is an official diploma issued by the French Ministry of Education. This is a very high-level certification, validating levels C1 and C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the French language. It is aimed at non-native speakers of French.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who should take DELF – DALF?

    DELF and DALF are designed for anyone wishing to certify their level of proficiency in French.

    DELF is made up of 4 independent levels equivalent to those of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1, A2, B1, B2). It is available in several variants:

    • DELF “school”: for teenagers aged 12 to 18 ;
    • DELF ” tout public ” : certifies a level of mastery of French in general;
    • DELF Pro: certifies a level of proficiency in French, especially in the professional world;

    The DALF corresponds to levels C1 and C2 of the CEFR and attests to a level of excellence in the mastery of the French language.

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    Want to prepare for the DELF – DALF exam?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is WiDaf?

The WiDaF is an official German language test recognised worldwide. It is useful for companies as it assesses candidates’ German language skills in a professional context.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who is WiDaF for?

    The WiDaF, like the TOEIC for English, certifies proficiency in the German language in the workplace. It can attest to a CEFR level of A2 to C2.

    It is aimed at both professionals and non-German-speaking students.

    This diploma is valid for 2 years.

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    Want to prepare for WiDaF?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is DELE?

The DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is an internationally recognised diploma in Spanish. The DELE is issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. The exam is organized by the Instituto Cervantes.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who is the DELE for?

    The DELE is aimed at all non-native speakers of Spanish who wish to travel to a Spanish-speaking country.
    It is open to students and professionals alike, and can be a real plus for a year of study, an internship or a job search.
    It opens doors not only to Spain, but to the whole of Hispania.

    Every year, in collaboration with the University of Salamanca, the prestigious Instituto Cervantes organizes the DELE exams. Diplomas are then issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

    This diploma is valid for life.

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    Would you like to prepare for the DELE exam?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.



What is the HSK?

HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), also known as the Chinese Proficiency Test, is the official Mandarin language test. It is administered by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

  • Aides financières - Etudiants

    Who should take the HSK?

    The HSK is aimed at all non-native speakers (Mandarin speakers to be precise), especially those with plans to emigrate to China.

    Particularly for foreign HSK students, a scholarship can be claimed from the National HSK Commission (China’s Ministry of Education), lasting from 1 to 10 months depending on the institution and the period chosen.

    The certificate of competence is valid for two years.

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    Would you like to prepare for the HSK?

    Log on to our partner’s platform, which will support your preparation with a customised course tailored to your score target and test date.

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    Ready to get started?

    Fill in the attached form and we’ll send you your platform access codes.