1. Adults
  2. Official examinations

Exams & Preparation

Certify your language skills!

Find out more about the language exams organised by CLL, as well as our platform dedicated to preparing for exams offered by other official organisations.

Take an exam in French or Dutch

Four different exams can be taken at CLL’s test centre in Brussels: Test d’Evaluation de Français, Test d’Evaluation de Français “Canada”, Diplômes de Français Professionnel and Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal.


Practice for your official exam in real-life conditions!

Thanks to our specialised platform, you can prepare effectively for future exams in five languages:

  • English: TOEFL, IELTS, CAMBRIDGE (B2 First), TOEIC
  • French: DELF – DALF, TCF
  • Spanish: DELE
  • German: WiDaF
  • Chinese (Mandarin): HSK

Exercises, practice tests, mock exams: maximise your chances of success!
