Training vouchers: Double your investment, Boost your training!


Discover the power of training vouchers to maximise your investment in training!

At just €15 each for the company, each voucher has a face value of €30, giving you a subsidy of €15 per hour of training. With the possibility of obtaining from 100 to 800 vouchers per calendar year, you have the flexibility to support your employees in their professional development.

Let’s say you take a 30-hour group course, at a cost of €435. By ordering one cheque per hour of the course at €15 each (actual value €30), you receive 30 cheques with a total value of €900, which you have only paid €450 for. Use these cheques to pay for your course.

At the end of the course, we will register these cheques on the Pluxee (Sodexo) platform. You will be reimbursed €465 (€900 – €435), fully funding your course and leaving you with a €15 surplus. Turn your training vouchers into an exceptional professional development opportunity! 🚀💼